Website PREMIUM Pack

We will buy your domain name and install a fresh wordpress site on it with a predefined template include for free.
In case your don’t have already a Name & logo we will ‘brainstorm’ with you to find the representative awesome & logo for your business.
Like any resprectfull business we have to let our customers know we are online and building up the website so we will install a “Coming soon” page to build up a #FOMO (fear of missing out) effect.
A blog page will be configured for your posts and news.
A contact page containing all contact information about your business,where people can find you, contact you or send you a message via a contact form.
We will setup social media accounts including:
- Youtube
- TikTok
- Newsletter
Trust in your website is very important and most of the browsers are showing the customer if a website has a SSL certificate installed as security layer or not. Of course this we will active so the connection to your website will be encrypted & secure.
We will create up to 15 pages you need for your business webiste.
Backup is very important if something goes ‘sideways’, so having a backup for your website is very important, that’s why we will install a monthly full backup of your website. This can be saved localy or in the cloud.
We will install security plugins for your website to be secure against any harmfull attacks.
A social sharing function is usefull to enable our satisfied customers to share our posts and news with on click to their social media.
Visitors will be able to subscribe to your newsletter and you will keep the intersted customers always informed with the latest news sending them emails straight into their inbox.
domain | website | security | social
Premium PackPREMIUM
Domain + Website + Security + Social Media-
Domain + Website
Name & LOGO
Coming Soon Setup
Blog Page
Social Media
Up to 15 Pages
Social Share
Customer Support Chat
Download Files
Multi Language
Google Analitycs
Google Map
Contact me
Please write me an email with the details before ordering.