Website Basic Pack
Our basic pack will help you get started with the minimum tools you need to have an online presence where customers can find you fast & easy. You can see the available features included in the pack on the right side pricing plan.
As you can see, we will help you buy your domain, brainstorm for a domain name, and help you with a logo (if needed).
Once we are “online” we will make a front page called “coming soon” where we will let our potential visitors that our website is not ready yet & is in construction. We will set up your blog page, of course, a contact page, About us page beside the landing page.

We will buy your domain name and install a fresh wordpress site on it with a predefined template include for free.
In case your don’t have already a Name & logo we will ‘brainstorm’ with you to find the representative awesome & logo for your business.
Like any resprectfull business we have to let our customers know we are online and building up the website so we will install a “Coming soon” page to build up a #FOMO (fear of missing out) effect.
A blog page will be configured for your posts and news.
A contact page containing all contact information about your business,where people can find you, contact you or send you a message via a contact form.
Domain | Website
Basic Pack
one time payment
Domain + Website
/ once
Domain + Website
Name & LOGO
Coming Soon Setup
Blog Page
Social Media
Up to 5 Pages
Customer Support Chat
Social Share
Download Files
Multi Language
Google Analitycs
Google Map
This is the first step !
Contact me
Please write me an email with the details before ordering.